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Hello, I'm Gracie H.

I am a 22 year old from Windsor​,​ Colorado with a passion for horses and 17 years of experience behind me. I graduated from CU Boulder with a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and have since been working at a grocery store and weekends at a boarding barn. I am a hard and honest worker who follows instructions well and has great intuition. I care about the well-being of people and animals​,​ and can’t wait to show that in my work. I am not a professional​,​ but am a well-rounded horsewoman. I am in the process of taking equine training and management classes and labs to advance my qualifications.


  • Years of Experience17
  • Level Of ExperienceAdvance

About My Experience

I showed for 8 years in western showmanship, horsemanship, reining, pleasure, and trail. My childhood barn put on occasional small gymkhanas where I loved to do pole bending and barrel racing. I competed in a handful of cow sorting competitions as well. Chores​/​tasks I love doing and can do well: - Turn in​/​out - Ponying horses - Grooming and tacking western - Painting jumps​/​barrels​/​gates​/​bridges​/​etc - Trailering horses - Feeding in AM or PM - Watering - Mucking - Blanketing - Cleaning​/​polishing tack - Bathing horses and wrapping them the night before a show - Deworming - Free lunging or lead lunging - Designing trail or reining patterns Chores​/​tasks I am interested in learning more about or have only done once or twice: - Driving a trailer or tractor - Clipping mane or coat - Dragging an arena - Putting up fencing - Branding​/​castrating cattle - Complex show braids - Desensitization exercises - Farm sitting