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Hello, I'm Jordan S.

Hi! I’m Jordan​,​ lover of horses & all things animals. Currently in the process of becoming a dog groomer! Being around dogs made me realize how much I miss being around horses & working with them​,​ so I’m on here in the hopes of extending my services to people in the horse world! I’m open to learning almost anything​,​ so if you’re willing to work with me​,​ I’m here to assist in any care you might need.


  • Years of Experience8
  • Level Of ExperienceIntermediate

About My Experience

I’ve grown up around horses, started riding at an early age. Helped family friend work​/​exercise her barrel racers, have also had experience with polo horses (Thoroughbreds​/​Arabians​/​Standardbreds). Volunteered at an equestrian therapy center at 16, I worked with disabled kids​/​horses, assisted in grooming​/​tacking up horses, cooling them off, feeding & watering every morning, mucking stalls. It’s been several years since I’ve worked with horses but looking to get back into it.

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